Bangkok: Regierung erwartet dieses Jahr etwa 200.000 Touristen aus Saudi-Arabien

Mit der Wiederaufnahme von Direktflügen und gegenseitigen Tourismusförderungen werden in diesem Jahr voraussichtlich etwa 200.000 Menschen aus Saudi-Arabien nach Thailand reisen, sagte der Regierungssprecher am Montag (21. Februar).

Sprecher Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana sagte, Saudi Arabian Airlines werde am kommenden Montag mit Direktflügen zwischen den beiden Ländern beginnen, und das Tourismus- und Sportministerium plane, Ende nächsten Monats Tourismusvertreter nach Saudi-Arabien zu bringen, um dort direkt vor Ort ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen vorzustellen.

Das dürfte in diesem Jahr etwa 200.000 Besucher aus Saudi-Arabien und etwa 20 Milliarden Baht an Tourismuseinnahmen bringen, sagte der Sprecher weiter.

„Saudi-arabische Touristen haben ein hohes Potenzial und sind eine Zielgruppe im Rahmen der Medizinzentrums- und Wellness-Tourismuspolitik“, sagte er.

Herr Thanakorn sagte, das Ministerium entwerfe ein Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) über die thailändisch-saudi-arabische Zusammenarbeit zur gegenseitigen Tourismusförderung. Es wurde vorgeschlagen, dass thailändische Pilger ihre Visa für ihre Besuche in Saudi-Arabien verlängern lassen sollten. Der Entwurf war bereits zur Prüfung nach Saudi-Arabien geschickt worden.

Der Regierungssprecher führte die positiven Tourismusaussichten auf die Wiederherstellung der thailändisch-saudi-arabischen Beziehungen nach dem Besuch von Premierminister Prayuth Chan o-cha in Saudi-Arabien Ende letzten Monats zurück.

Er sagte, das Außenministerium werde an diesem Wochenende Vertreter des thailändischen Privatsektors nach Saudi-Arabien bringen, um die bilaterale Handelsförderung zu erörtern. / Bangkok Post

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22. Februar 2022 12:35 pm

In Thailand gibt es viel mehr unwillkommene Gaeste als willkommene.

Und der Umgang mit ihnen ist viel mehr als Rustikal.

STIN feiert ja diese Militaerdiktatur immer dafuer dass es ihr gelang von den USA in Sachen Menschenhandel und Zwangsarbeit von Tier 3 auf Tier 2 , also von der schwarzen Liste auf die braune Liste herabgestuft worden zu sein.

Die Realitaet sieht eher so aus:

Paween 'thriller' timely reminder of chilling reality

Atiya Achakulwisut Columnist for the Bangkok Post

published : 22 Feb 2022 at 04:00

Does it sound right for Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha to tell Pol Maj Gen Paween Pongsirin to come back and fight after he had been explicit that the threat against his life came from "the highest-ranking people" in the country?

Pol Maj Gen Paween, formerly the country's lead investigator in human trafficking, is well-known for his probes into mass graves of Rohingya migrants near the Thai-Malaysian border which led to the prosecution of more than 60 suspects including several government officials and military officers.

The case was also unprecedented as it led to the nailing of the highest-ranking military officer to have been convicted of such a crime — army adviser Lt Gen Manas Kongpan, who was jailed for 27 years for trafficking, taking bribes and transnational crimes.

He died in prison of a heart attack last year.


The irony is that instead of receiving due recognition as the lead investigator, Pol Maj Gen Paween was forced to leave the country six years ago out of fear for his life.

When seeking asylum in Australia, Pol Maj Gen Paween claimed he had received death threats after his probe implicated "influential" people who wanted to silence him.

Although the former investigator left Thailand six years ago, details about his flight were only recently revealed when Move Forward MP Rangsiman Rome discussed them in parliament last week.

The revelations included the statutory declaration that Pol Maj Gen Paween filed with the Australian government when he requested protection for the duration of his asylum.

Of course, this is only one side of the story.

Indeed, while Pol Maj Gen Paween claimed that he had received death threats, then national police chief Pol Gen Chakthip Chaijinda said an initial investigation found none.

Still, Pol Maj Gen Paween's declaration, sworn under Australian law, appears too detailed — too incriminating — to be disregarded by concerned agencies and members of the public.

The declaration itself reads like a thriller.

Beginning on a bright note, Pol Maj Gen Paween states he joined the police force because it was a "good profession and a good way to help my country".

The innocence of a young officer could be felt when he wrote that he chose to be stationed in the south because he "had never seen that part of the country before".

Pol Maj Gen Paween's life changed in 2015 when he was assigned to join the team investigating the trafficking of Rohingya migrants.

A mass grave had just been uncovered in Padang Besar district and there was a lot of international pressure on Thailand to investigate thoroughly, he wrote.

The former investigator went into details how he had to overcome numerous obstacles before he could issue arrest warrants for some high-ranking officials including the then mayor of Padang Besar and former chief of Satun Provincial Administration Office.

The story took on an even more menacing tone after the arrest of Lt Gen Manas Kongpan, an army adviser who enjoyed many high-ranking connections according to Pol Maj Gen Paween.

While most of the names and some parts of the story were blacked out, Pol Maj Gen Paween recalled how he was reminded by a military officer who Gen Manas's supervisors were, and that he should stop what he was doing as his life was in danger.

Pol Maj Gen Paween also claimed that he was prevented from furthering his investigation and making more arrests even though 62 suspects including two military officers and one naval officer remained at large.

It is surprising that the government, the defence minister in particular, had nothing to tell the public about this allegation even though the testimony was revealed in parliament.

Pol Maj Gen Paween's story took on an even more surrealistic turn after he refused a transfer to the restive far South since the area was under the direct control of a number of army officers who were suspects in his investigation.

Pol Maj Gen Paween claimed that he decided to quit the police force after realising that "the most powerful people in the country were the ones who were angry with me".

Pol Maj Gen Paween concluded that although he was a police officer for decades and knew many people in high-ranking positions, he could not live safely in Thailand.

"I angered many powerful people when I exposed the corruption in the human trafficking trade in Thailand and arrested people in the military. These people have power and connections throughout the whole country and there is nowhere that I would be able to remain living safely," Pol Maj Paween stated.

It is a thriller that to outsiders may seem outlandish, but has been met by a silence so deafening at home that one can't help but feel the irony.

In Deutsch zusammengefasst:

Polizei General Paween der oberste Ermittler in Faellen von Menschenhandel hatte viele hochrangige Beamte und Militaers wegen der Ermordung von Rohingya Fluechtlingen vor Gericht und einige auch ins Gefaengnis gebracht. Ganz zum Missfallen des damaligen Polizeichefs Chakthip.

Ironischerweise auch gerade jenen General Manas fuer dessen Verhaftung STIN immer diese Militaerdiktatur gelobhudelt hat.

Jedenfalls quittierte General Paween den Polizeidienst und fluechtete nach Australien wo er um politisches Asyl  nachsuchte.

In seiner Begruendung schilderte Paween genau wie man ihn davon abhielt einflussreiche Thai zu befragen und in Haft zu nehmen.

Polizeichef Chakthip dementierte alle Vorwuerfe an die Polizeifuehrung.

Inzwischen ist aber der Weltoeffentlichkeit die Reichweite der Vetternwirtschaft, Korruption und transnationale Kriminalitaet in Thailands Fuehrung klar geworden!


23. Februar 2022 8:55 am
Reply to  STIN

Unwillkommen sind in rassistischen und nationalistischen Laendern  all jene die wegen ihrer Rasse oder Nationalitaet mit Vorurteilen belegt werden.Hier zaehlt nicht die Realitaet sondern das eigene Vorurteil. Das gilt fuer TH genauso wie fuer die AfD DDR.

Kriminelle Aktivitaeten in TH soll mir STIN einmal erklaeren.

Wenn hier Overstay als Verbrechen geahndet werden waehrend Kapitalverbrechen z. B. je nach Rasse und Herkunft  als Kulturgut,Ordnungswidrigkeit,Verbrechen oder Verbrechen gegen die Thailichkeit geahndet werden.

Die Strafbarkeit haengt in TH nicht von der Tat sondern von der Herkunft des Taeters und der Herkunft und Laune des Richters ab.

Welche Dinge hat Prayuth positiv erledigt?

Die Herabstufung von Tier 3 auf Tier 2 kam nachdem die EU gedroht hatte keine Kung und anderes Seafood mehr aus TH zu importieren.Es war also im Interesse der Industrie dort wenigstens ein wenig zu aendern.

Wann immer man STIN seine Maerchen aus Thailand durch Fakten widerlegt dann bezeichnet er dies als alten Hut welches "schon immer bekannt" war.